giovedì 10 gennaio 2008
Back in London
Happy to be back, exhausted at the end of the day, already a bit stressed and worried because of many things, with a bit of my mind still in Florence. Full of optimism. Interested in a nice mixture of Anthropology, fieldwork in India, France and alternative perspectives. Determined to join the gym next week and not to touch the evil box or the cantuccini bag (both will be empty quite soon thanks to the hard work of my housemates). With free teeth and glad to have my full smile back. Disappointed or maybe not that much-non tutti i mali vengono per nuocere. Willing to resolve the problems with my blog's template but lacking the time and the energies to do that. Aware of the fact that I'm not going to study tonight.
posted by Chiara at 23:36 | Permalink |


At 13/1/08 22:16, Anonymous Anonimo

grande chiarina ci sei riuscita!!!! un bacio grosso, see u asap ; D